Cut These Taxes:
A Campaign for a Better Queensland

The Australian Taxpayers' Alliance (ATA) is calling on both the Liberal Nationals and Labor to commit to much-needed tax cuts that will lower the cost of living, boost business productivity, and make housing more affordable in Queensland.

We’re calling for:

  1. Permanently lower car registration fees
    Without action, car registration fees will rise sharply in September 2025. Small car owners face an extra $85, motorbike owners an additional $41, and large car owners will be hit with a staggering $173 more every year. The lower rego fees should be made permanent.

  2. Abolishing stamp duty on new affordable homes
    The price of housing is influenced by the cost of new homes, and stamp duty increases that cost. Stamp duty should be entirely removed for people buying newly built homes with a value up to the average QLD house price. This will increase the incentive to build affordable housing, putting downward pressure on house prices and rents.

  3. No payroll tax for small business
    Small businesses are the backbone of Queensland's economy. By raising the payroll tax threshold to $2 million—the highest in Australia—we can help small businesses grow without being crushed by payroll tax bureaucracy. This will drive more jobs, competition, and innovation in Queensland.

  4. Lower payroll tax for medium businesses
    The current payroll tax system unfairly punishes medium-sized businesses, with many paying a higher marginal rate than large corporations. We’re pushing for a fairer payroll tax system, where the threshold remains constant, reducing the marginal rate by approximately 0.7% for medium businesses.

These reforms are logical, affordable, fair, and would help drive down prices and push up productivity. We urge all parties running in the upcoming QLD election to embrace the above tax cutting agenda, and commit to legislating these tax cuts within the first year of the next government.

Join the Campaign

We need your support to pressure all parties running in the upcoming Queensland election to commit to these tax cuts and make them a reality in their first year of government. Let’s make Queensland a better place to live, work, and build a future.

Sign up below to join the movement and stay informed about our progress!