Petition: Sack the eSafety Commissioner.

Why is this important?

Julie Inman Grant, the current Australian eSafety Commissioner, has repeatedly overstepped her boundaries by attempting to censor online content and threatening the core values of free speech in Australia.

Under her leadership, the eSafety Commission sought to enforce a global takedown of content shared by the social media platform X. This move not only infringed on principles of free speech, they demonstrated a disturbing willingness to control and filter public discourse under the guise of safety.

Recently, in a landmark decision, the Federal Court has sided with X, rejecting the eSafety Commission's egregious takedown request. This decision underscores the problematic and authoritarian tendencies of the current eSafety Commissioner to impose censorship across digital platforms.

Julie Inman Grant’s role as the current eSafety Commissioner cannot be justified given her office's recent actions, which have now been legally rebuffed, which wasted public funds to support initiatives that curb basic freedoms rather than protect them.

Petition Statement:

To the Honourable President and members of the Senate in Parliament assembled:

The petition of the undersigned shows: That there is a requirement to protect free speech in Australia. Your petitioners ask that the Senate:

  1. Immediately dismiss Julie Inman Grant from her position as the eSafety Commissioner.

  2. Defund the eSafety Commission.

  3. Note the eSafety Commission's actions to curb online speech have not only proven costly in terms of taxpayer money but were detrimental to the protection and preservation of free speech within Australia.

  4. Request the Federal Government balance safety with the essential rights of Australians, rather than imposing unnecessary and legally dubious restrictions on online content via unelected, unaccountable bureaucracies dedicated to shutting down free speech online.


Your voice matters!

Sign this petition to stand against the misuse of government power and the wasteful spending of taxpayer funds on efforts that threaten our fundamental rights. Let’s demand accountability and advocate for leadership that truly represents the values of freedom and fairness intrinsic to Australian society.