Release: Pencil pushers wage a war on protein
Release: Pencil pushers wage a war on protein
“Pencil pushing bureaucrats have moved to regulate basic supplements the same way as medicines. This policy nonsense is typical of out-of-touch public servants who probably think aioli is spicy and that apple-cider vinegar cures cancer, ” said Emilie Dye, Policy Director of the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance.
The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, Australia’s largest taxpayer advocacy group, today took up arms against the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s move to reclassify sports supplements as medicines, threatening to destroy the $1 billion industry.
“The TGA has rushed into this with a framework so broad that everything from protein powders to weight gain supplements can be defined as medicine. Such an ill-defined approach has the potential to destroy a $1 billion Australian industry which exists to improve people’s health.
“These products aim to supplement medicine and a healthy lifestyle, hence the name ‘supplement’. The producers of these products do not claim they are magic pills able to cure your ever ill.
“Under this new regulation, the apple-cider vinegar you buy from the grocery is considered food but if you make the mistake of purchasing apple-cider vinegar tablets from the health store you are consuming medicine which comes with extra rules and larger price tag.”
“Not only is this unwarranted, given that supplements are already well regulated, but the TGA has given retailers and manufacturers a meagre 6 weeks to consult with their consumers and supply networks about a decision which could destroy the industry.
”More than 10,000 Australians have signed a petition by Save Our Supplements asking the TGA to extend the consultation period and give them adequate time to respond, so far the TGA has refused to consider this reasonable appeal.”