
Our Mission

The Country Chapter brings the same principles of limited government and low taxes that we advocate for at the ATA to rural and regional Australia. Through grassroots campaigning we fight to oppose wasteful government spending for a fairer and freer Australia for all. We do not believe Australians are quiet; politicians just have bad hearing. The ATA’s Country Chapter takes the needs of rural communities to Canberra and forces policymakers to listen to all Australians.



We can’t do any of this without your support. By donating here your money will go directly to causes like ending the Murray Darling Basin Plan and the Stop the River Street Bridge Campaign. You are the ones who fuel this campaign. We would not be able to have it weren’t for good people standing up for their towns and their homes. When you sign petitions, volunteer, and donate your hard earned money you initiate change for the better. We value your donation, whether it $5 or $500. Please consider making your donation monthly so we know we can count on you.

Unlike other nonprofits, the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance does not receive millions of dollars in donations from unions or shady foreign organisations, and relies entirely on the generosity and involvement of individual supporters to fight for a more free and fair Australia. There are multiple ways to get involved.

Get Involved

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Sign up for our newsletter to receive regular updates on what the ATA is doing to support rural and regional Australia, and to keep across the plans for the River Street Bridge.

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Contact us

We welcome your questions and comments. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Mick Etheridge, at [email protected] or fill out this contact form to reach the ATA office.

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Contact your MP

With just a few clicks you can tweet and e-mail Dugald Saunders and tell him to stop the River Street Bridge and instead build a bypass. Make your voice heard in just a few seconds.


Our Campaigns

The ATA Country Chapter aims to give country people greater say in their lives and their communities. Often the voice of rural Australia is drowned by Canberra, Sydney, or Melbourne. Farmers need water, but bureaucrat environmental policy washing giga-litres of freshwater out to sea while cattle, sheep, and crops die. Small towns want to have a say about the infrastructure in their community, but instead a government agency has decided for them. Read more about our campaigns here.