Stop the River Street Bridge
The ATA is advocating for the construction of a Troy Bypass Bridge instead of the River Street Bridge. While it is the responsibility of the government to provide necessary infrastructure, if they attempt to do so without consulting the people, the project will fall flat. The $195 million allocated to build the “Dubbo Dream Economy” will not help the people of Dubbo. The Troy Bridge will be a miles better option considering road safety, flood immunity, less street congestion, and pedestrian pathways.
End the Murray Darling Basin Plan
The corrupt Murray Darling Basin Authority has spent $13 billion in taxpayer money on a water allocation plan that hurts farmers. The plan favours foreign corporate fruit farms, floods red gum forests causing environmental damage, and restricts much needed water from farmers during drought. Australia’s farmers, a pillar of our economy and society since day one, are facing enormous struggles caused by an inept bureaucracy which has mishandled water allocations across the Murray-Darling Basin: our nation’s largest river system. It is time for the states to stand with farmers against the MDBA.