
A Budget for a Self-Sufficient Economy

Following the COVID-19 crisis, the Australian government has undertaken unprecedented spending trying to keep our economy afloat. Our government’s spending spree must end, focusing instead on helping create an economy that can flourish without the need for subsidies.

Defund the WHO

Despite the hundreds of millions taxpayers have spent on the WHO, they failed to issue proper warnings about COVID-19 instead pandering to the Chinese interests. The WHO’s lack of transparency has facilitated the spread of the coronavirus, and by extension the crippling of the global economy and the loss of thousands of lives.

The WHO is simply not worthy of the millions it receives from taxpayers every year. Australian taxpayers should not be forced to fund an organisation which has so badly failed us.

Policies Reviewed - A look at the ScoMo Stimulus

The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance has rated each part of Scott Morrison’s $320 billion stimulus package. That is four times what the government spent during the GFC. Taxpayers deserve to know how their money is being spent and if the promises politicians make will actually do what they say they will. Over all, the ATA give the expensive ScoMo stimulus two stars. While some aspects will help Australia get through this crisis much of the package benefits those with the best lobbyists and leave contractors, employers, and taxpayers out to dry.

End Energy Subsidies

Expensive subsidies make for a poorer and less renewable Australia.

Every year, $5 billion of taxpayer funds are funneled into subsidising renewable energy. Yet Australians still pay some of the worlds highest utility bills. Only the wealthy have the resources to worry about the environment and yet the Australian government takes ever more money from taxpayers to fund corporate interests. Sign the petition make parliament here your voice. Australians aren’t quiet pollies just don’t listen.