End Energy Subsidies
I write to urge the Morrison Government to stop subsidising renewable energy.
Every year, $5 billion of taxpayer funds are funneled into subsidising renewable energy. Conversely, red-tape is suffocating coal-fired power stations, causing their premature closure.
We condemn the Government’s disproportionate subsidising of renewable energy. Subsidies per unit of electricity from 2015-16 showed that coal received 40c per MWh compared to solar which received $214, wind which received $74 and other renewables which received $33 per MWh.
We strongly oppose the subsidising of renewables as it is creating gross distortions in the electricity market. If renewable energy was indeed the ‘cheapest’ form of energy, then they wouldn’t need subsidies to stay afloat.
The short-term increase in electricity costs from abolishing subsidies would be offset by legalising nuclear energy and deregulating the energy market.
Australia’s base load power is under serious threat. If something doesn’t change now, Australia could be facing a dangerous chokepoint; those times where supply from renewables cannot meet the high demand for electricity. Blackouts could become more frequent, hurting individuals, families and businesses.
We ask the government to stop wasting the taxpayer’s money and bring an end to subsidising renewables. We must give the energy market its freedom back.
Yours sincerely,