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Dear Sir/Madam, I write to you as a concerned constituent who is angered and worried about the communist People’s Republic of China (PRC) government’s authoritarian actions in exerting control over Hong Kong. I urge you and other members of the Australian government to show solidarity with the people of Hong Kong who are demonstrating peacefully and valiantly on the streets there for their basic freedoms against a brutal imperialist and communist regime with a blatant disregard for human rights. I am also deeply concerned by the implications of Beijing’s actions for Australia’s own national security interests, including the role of PRC government influence in Australian domestic affairs. The communist PRC government is seeking to exert control over Hong Kong which has hitherto been a bastion of liberal freedoms and values in the region. The people of Hong Kong strongly oppose draconian laws such as the PRC’s attempt to pass an extradition bill which would have denied individuals in Hong Kong the basic right to due process in justice. In the face of the Hong Kongese people’s demands, the PRC has resorted to brutal tactics such as the use of heavy-handed police forces who use tear gas indoors and shoot protesters in the face with rubber bullets. One woman has already suffered the permanent loss of vision in an eye because of these actions. Evidently, this is just the beginning and I urge you and other members of the government and opposition to take a strong stance against these actions in order to pressure the PRC government. The PRC is not only a threat to the freedom, liberties and wellbeing of the people of Hong Kong, but to Australia as well. While I recognise the importance of the PRC as a major trading partner for Australia, they have already resorted to dubious actions in exerting their clout in our region and also within Australia. The communist PRC government has funded thirteen Confucius institutes across Australian universities which have become hotbeds for political propaganda to further the selfish interests of the authoritarian regime. Chinese and Australian students who have joined pro-democracy protests calling for reforms in Beijing and showing solidarity with their Hong Kongese brethren have become the targets of bullying and harassment by students loyal to the communist PRC government. Pro-democracy Chinese international students have even been photographed and spied upon by PRC loyalists, with PRC operatives threatening their families back in mainland China as a result. These actions, paired with Chinese expansionist ambitions in the South China Sea, are an undue encroachment on Australia’s domestic affairs and our way of life. They too highlight the need for Australia to take a strong stance against the PRC government in light of its actions in Hong Kong. This type of intimidation and attempts to censor or viciously oppose dissent speak to the PRC and its loyalists’ ability and willingness to undermine democracy itself in Australia. Moreover, these actions outside mainland China are just the beginning. Within its territories, the communist PRC government routinely resorts to killings and torture of dissidents such as the persecuted Falun Gong sect. It has engaged in the harvesting of organs from political prisoners. It has thrown ethnic minorities such as the Uyghurs into concentration camps for the purpose of indoctrination and has engaged in a demographic replacement policy in occupied Tibet. It has also subject its own citizens to an Orwellian ‘social credit’ system with an emphasis on conformity and obedience that is antithetical to the most basic values of liberty which Australians hold dear. If the PRC government are capable of subjecting their own people to such brutality, one can only imagine what they are capable of subjecting the people of other countries where they are attempting to exert their influence and assert their clout. The people of Hong Kong need international solidarity in their time of need as they hold the fort against communist PRC expansionism and imperialism- a phenomenon which threatens our wider Asia-Pacific region and Australia’s way of life. I therefore urge you to stand with the people of Hong Kong who are literally risking life and limb on the frontlines of a fight for democracy and freedom which could spread elsewhere. Thank you for considering my concerns. Yours sincerely,