Superannuation: taxed to death

By Xin Yuan Quek | The Spectator

Superannuation looks beautiful on paper, but actually limits workers’ freedom to choose how they want to use their money. Some workers may accrue savings in their super, but others may be struggling to pay their bills in the present time

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Guest User
How much do you really pay in tax?

By Emilie Dye | The Spectator

Income tax is easy to calculate. But filing your taxes and sending your dues the ATO is only the beginning. Australians are taxed not only on their earnings but also when they spend and when they save. Sometimes we even pay tax on taxes.

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Brian Marlow
Dear CDC, Please Stop Extending the Eviction Moratorium

By Emilie Dye | Townhall

No one likes to think about people being unable to pay rent and losing their homes. But as I learned in high school reading Henry Hazlitt, “The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups.” And the eviction moratorium, which the CDC extended this week for the second time, completely ignores landlords.

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Brian Marlow
Let Them Vape Cake

By Emilie Dye | Free the People

I am a 24-year-old, and I love flavored vapes — grape, chocolate caramel ice cream, and watermelon, to be precise. Too bad five states and numerous cities across the United States have banned flavored vapes, assuming these flavors are ‘meant for kids.’ And worse, now the FDA is expanding that ban. As of February 1, 2021, vape manufacturers will face consequences should they make or sell any vape flavors besides tobacco and methanol.

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Brian Marlow
Bitcoin May Be the New Gold

By Emilie Dye | Townhall

Last January, you could buy a bitcoin for less than $9,000 — that's roughly the downpayment on a 2018 Ford F-150. Today, it costs around $37,000 — that's almost enough to buy the truck outright.

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Brian Marlow
Why are we wasting so much of Australia?

By Pavel Pfitzner | The Spectator

‘Social distancing’ was the motto of 2020. However, with around 90 per cent of Australia’s population crammed into 0.22 per cent of Australia’s landmass, perhaps in 2021 we should start thinking about ways we could decentralise the Australian population.

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Brian Marlow
We might be ‘one’, but are we really ‘free’?

By Tahsin Samia | MyChoice

With Queensland locking down and NSW mandating masks, it seems Scott Morrison changed the wrong word in the national anthem. We are still ‘young’, but we are not ‘one’ and very much are not ‘free’. The government’s response to COVID-19 is dividing us into public and private workers -- haves and have-nots.

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Brian Marlow
Santa Claws at your cash

By Emilie Dye | The Daily Telegraph

The Australian government isn’t into the Christmas spirit, taking when all we want is the gift of a fair go.

On the first day of Christmas the Australian government took from me a percentage of my income for the ‘good of the society’.

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Brian Marlow
Statehood for regional areas

By Pavel Pfitzner | MyChoice

Australia is a federation of six states and two territories, but does it need to stay that way? The states and territories have had a tumultuous history, both with secessionist movements and calls for regional statehood -- some coming very close to succeeding. The original drafters of the constitution would likely find themselves surprised waking up in an Australia with a map that hasn't changed since 1900.

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Brian Marlow
Making users crims doesn't help anyone

By Emilie Dye | The Daily Telegraph

In 1935, Australian settlers introduced cane toads to Queensland to control the cane beetles in sugarcane fields. In response to the drug-infused culture of Kings Cross, the NSW government launched a war on drugs alongside much of the Western world. But our war on drugs has run into the same dilemma as the cane toads in Queensland; the solution is worse than the original problem.

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Brian Marlow
The JobFaker plan destined to fail

By Maximillian Enthoven | MyChoice

The 2020 federal budget presented Australians with a new scheme to get the economy moving - a year of subsidised wages. The federal government has allocated $4 billion for businesses hiring new workers as part of the JobMaker plan. But like all subsidies, these government funded paychecks will help some and hurt others.

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Brian Marlow
Why Australia should go all the way with the UK

By Emilie Dye and James Skibinski | The Daily Telegraph

While most of the western world is in recession because of COVID-19 lockdowns, China has been busy gearing up their export machine. Australia’s over-dependence on China led to massive supply shortages and panic earlier this year.

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Brian Marlow