Axe The Secret Mining Tax!

Buried deep within Labor’s policy documents is a hidden mining tax they’re trying to sneak past voters.

In a time when Aussies are struggling, Albanese’s big new tax will stop investment in rural and regional Australia, destroy jobs and make your power bills hit record highs!

While Labor thinks they’re onto a policy winner, the reality is Australia will lose out on investment, lose out on technological advances and lose out on high paying jobs at a time when Aussies are struggling.

We’re not going to let another big new tax get through, and we need your help to fight back!

Sign up using the form below and become a part of our campaign to stop Labor’s big new mining tax today.

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Our organisation is supported through grassroots campaigning. If you want to help us keep up the fight against Labor’s secret mining tax, please consider making a donation today using the button below.

  • Labor’s big new tax on multinationals could impact up to 45,000 Jobs in Australia and put an end to mining and gas projects across the country. In Western Australia alone, up to 63 future projects could face the chopping block.

    This mining tax would be bad for investment and jobs and disproportionately impact the Hunter region ins NSW and impact WA, where mining accounts for around $170 billion of the income generated, more than 75% of investment and supports more than 150,000 jobs

  • Labor’s proposed change will mean that miners will not be able to claim a tax deduction for interest expenses during the investment phase of their project. This will result in an INCREASE in taxes on the mining sector.

  • The 2017 inquiry, which included Jim Chalmers as a committee member, concluded that we should not change the interest deduction rules because it would cost jobs and investment.

    Professor Sinclair Davidson, an Institutional Economics Professor at RMIT, provided his analysis of this hidden and secretive mining tax, saying:

    “The ALP have long had a problem with the mining industry. In 2010 they tried to impose an additional 40% tax impost on the industry, now they are trying to impose a stealth tax under the guise of tax integrity. In particular, the ALP want to impose a limit on interest rate deductions – apparently in line with OECD recommendations. Ordinary voters might believe this stealth tax is world’s best practice. They might be further lulled into complacency by recalling that Mathias Cormann is secretary-general of the OECD.

    However, a 2017 Parliamentary Inquiry into tax deductibility concluded that Australian tax administration was robust. In a submission, even the ATO felt no need to change existing practices and rules. What the Inquiry made crystal clear was that Labor’s policy will make Australia a less attractive destination for investment, costing jobs and economic activity.”

  • Approved projects in WA that are committed but could have been knocked back include:

    The Woodside led Scarborough Development / Pluto Expansion which has a cost estimate of $16 billion with 3200 construction jobs and 600 ongoing jobs.

  • Join our campaign to stop Labor’s secret taxes, share our campaign material and most importantly, donate to our campaign to help us fund the fight!