“Superannuation is just another tax that buys the trust of Australian taxpayers with false promises of social security and other benefits,” said ATA Policy Researcher Xin Yuan Quek. “The truth is, these taxes hurt us more than they protect us.”
Read MoreThe spending tracker, cheekily named ‘Waste Watchers’, calculates the cost of new spending measures on individual taxpayers and households as they are announced on budget night.
Read More“Taxpayers should not have to waste their time saving every crumpled receipt, and taxes should not be so complicated that we have to hire someone to figure out how to pay them,” said ATA Policy Director, Emilie Dye. “Making the tax system simpler would save Australians billions.”
Read More“Australians are stuck paying 125 separate taxes at the local, state and federal levels,” said ATA Policy Director and author of the tax report, Emilie Dye. “With so many sneaky taxes leaching away at our wealth, it's no wonder most Australians don’t know what they truly pay in tax. We are boiled frogs.”
Read More“The Australian government is once again arbitrarily selecting winners and losers,” said ATA Policy Director Emilie Dye. “The Tourism Support Package helps specific airlines with specific routes, carefully selected locations, and the people who can afford to fly. This kind of inequity and favouritism has no place in a support package.”
Read More"We can't fix abuse in aged care by simply throwing more money at the problem,” said ATA Policy Director, Emilie Dye. “The only solution is more family oversight, not government oversight.”
Read More“The Mandatory Bargaining Code if enacted would force platforms like Google and Facebook to subsidise Australian media,” said ATA Policy Director, Emilie Dye. “In political circles that’s called protectionism.”
Read More“Australians should be able to choose in what form they make legal purchases, without being forced into the banking system," said ATA Policy Director, Emilie Dye. “The cash ban was a clear example of government overreach, deciding what kind of legal tender Australians could use.”
Read More“I am happy to see so many of our ideas make it into the NSW Budget,” said Ms Dye. “COVID-19 has opened the eyes of many of us to serious structural problems with the way we tax and regulate people.”
Read More“Amidst the COVID-19 crisis and the impending economic crisis, now is not the time to waste taxpayer dollars on pretty flowers or fancy rugs,” said ATA Policy Director, Emilie Dye. “This kind of lavish spending is a slap in the face to the thousands of Australia’s who are struggling to make rent after losing their jobs.”
Read More“The government is attempting to dig itself out of a hole. When policymakers issue subsidies they give specific companies, and industries, an unfair advantage over other businesses,” said ATA Policy Director Emilie Dye. “Handing out more subsidies only makes the problem worse.”
Read More“Instead of abstract numbers few can comprehend, we want Australians to know how much each government expenditure costs them,” said ATA Policy Director, Emilie Dye. “When the government spends billions, Australians have a right to know how much that bill they must pick up.”
Read More“At PETA, common sense is scarcer than hen’s teeth. They are attempting to yoke taxpayers into paying for their advocacy,” said ATA Policy Director, Emilie Dye. “The last thing Australians need is a group of feather-brained chicken lobbyists egging state governments into spending taxpayer dollars.”
Read More"Most Australians would prefer to grow old at home. The government needs to stop handicapping young people with high taxes, so they aren't forced to put their loved ones in government-funded aged care homes."
Read MoreThe Australian Taxpayers' Alliance, the nations' largest grassroots advocacy group representing taxpayers, today warned against the dangerous side effects of the ACCC's News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code in response to Facebook's recent announcement.
Read MoreThe Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, the nation’s largest grassroots advocacy group representing taxpayers, and the H.R. Nicholls Society, Australia’s only institute solely devoted to reforming Australia’s Industrial Relations system and advocating for free-market policies have today joined forces to call for the complete abandonment of the 12 per cent hike to compulsory superannuation.
Read More“Few pastimes are as Australian as a summer barbeque. Those complaining to their city councils about the smell, should consider moving elsewhere. If that is asking too much, clearly the smoke isn’t too much of a bother.”
Read More“The government should allow individuals to decide for themselves how much risk they are willing to take on,” said ATA Policy Director, Emilie Dye. “If an elderly person is willing to risk their own life to watch their grandchildren, who are we to tell them they cannot.”
Read More“Not every mean thing someone says on the internet should turn into a lawsuit,” said ATA Director of Policy, Emilie Dye. “Unless you have actually faced a financial loss, you shouldn’t be allowed to waste the court’s time for a Facebook comment.”
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