Our Impact

Since 2011, the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance has successfully advocated for taxpayers on a variety of issues. In 2013, through peaceful protests, petitions, and the media we played a major role in repealing the carbon tax. In 2015, we successfully supported taxpayers in forcing the NSW government to reduce a brutal ridesharing tax by 80 percent.


In 2019, we prompted the Federal Government to launch a transparency portal giving taxpayers the option to see how the government is spending their money. We launched a full blown campaign against the draconian lock-out laws, writing for the media, appearing on television, doing radio interviews, and getting the word out. Our supporters rallied, signing petitions begging the government to end these detrimental restrictions. It was thanks to the overwhelming support of everyday Australian taxpayers’ that made this possible, as we celebrated a lift of the lockouts in January, this year. These are but a few examples; every day we advocate for issues affecting taxpayers.

The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance has established an active network of individuals and organisations fighting for a smaller government, freer markets, lower taxes, and more liberty.  In 2020, we continue to campaign for legal vaping to help smokers quit, ensure cheap energy to lessen cost of living for all Australians, and to stop further ‘sin taxes’ on everything from alcohol, sugar, fuel and the family car.

To stay updated with our progress and everything that we do with your support, be sure to follow us using the social links below.