Kill the Digital Identity Bill

Kill the Digital Identity Bill


Would you trust the government with….

No matter how you finish that question, most reasonable people are going to answer in the negative. If you wouldn’t trust the government to deliver your pizza, why on earth would you trust them to manage your entire identity. Imagine, the very core of who you are as a human being - under the control of unelected and unaccountable public servants.

The information technology world discovered long ago that centralising large amounts of data in massive repositories was simply a data breach waiting to happen. Having presided over numerous data breaches of their own design, the government is now demanding you hand over every piece of identifying information to them, for safe keeping.

The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, on behalf of all Australian Taxpayers, is leading the initiative to Kill the Digital Identity Bill stone cold dead. That this bill has even been drafted is an insult to freedom and civil society. Your identity belongs to you. Not to the federal government, and certainly not to the underworld criminal elements who finance their activities by selling stolen personal information.

To help us fight to keep your digital identity safely in YOUR hands, please consider becoming a member or donating to the ATA today.
