Farmers rockin’ through the night in convoy to Canberra

Farmers rockin’ through the night in convoy to Canberra

“There ain’t nothin’ gonna get in the way of farmers determined to water their fields and feed their livestock. The Murray Darling Basin Plan is barricading farmers from available water during a drought. These hard-working Aussies deserve so much better and they are willing to fight to get it,” said ATA Policy Director, Emilie Dye.

The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, the nation’s largest grassroots advocacy group representing taxpayers, today applauded the farmers driving to Canberra in a convoy of farm equipment to call out corruption in the Murray Darling Basin Authority. 

“The government cannot bribe farmers to shut up and go away. These farmers are driving the policies they need to stay on the land. Pollies often overlook regional areas, taxing them the same but sending on the resources to the inner cities. Farmers need proper water infrastructure, such as dams, to make the land arable.” 

“Inner cities Greens do not understand the environment as well as the people who have lived off of the land for generations. But Greenies are of the ones yelling for environmental policies like the Murray Darling Basin Plan. It is no wonder the plan has hurt farmers and the bush alike. It is time we gave one of Australia’s most precious resources back to the people who will value it. “

“These farmers have been forced to watch river water flowing to the ocean and rain water they aren't allowed to collect washing away with their topsoil. Farmers are shouting. It is time politicians listen and end the MDBA.” 

2 December 2019

Brian Marlow